I just HAD to share these latest of Rachel. Posting my own kids is a little of a guilty pleasure I guess. I am a Mom first after all. These were taken after Ms. Audrey straighted her hair and she demanded I take her "pit-chur" right away. Let me just say that I ran to the studio with her. My kids NEVER ask to have their picture taken so I just soaked it up! Enjoy! I'm biased but I think she's stunning!
Oh and I forced poor little Nathaniel into a basket outside. He was very nice to me about it but was totally not going to sleep for us and like it! Thanks Christine and Krystal for all the help!
I absolutely LOVE taking pictures! Besides that I stay really busy with my husband and our four kids. They are <1, 3, 5, and 8.. never a dull moment at our house!