I had the extreme pleasure of photographing this great family a few weeks ago. They are so special to me. I have been photographing them since just before Baby E's arrival. I don't suppose I can call her a baby much longer... she'll be running circles around us in no time! I love the colors they wore and that we got through to "Mrs. Suspicious" before the end of our session. 8-)
A last sneak peek before the Holidays! Thank you Katy for bringing your family so far to see me. It was a true pleasure to meet you all. These sisters are so cute together and you couldn't ask for a happier baby! Made my job so easy!
I hope and wish everyone a blessed Thanksgiving. I will be heading out of town tonight and not return until Sunday. I will be time traveling back in time to a place where the internet is just not an option! My 84 year old grandmother doesn't seem to see the need for it! 8-) If anyone needs to contact me ASAP, you can call my cell at 972-965-9141. Again, I wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving!!
Ok, at least once in a holiday season, I have to ask a client to give me a second chance! This poor family was it this year. We scheduled on a weekday after work hours... with two kiddo's these ages, we might not have been sitting in our thinking chairs when we decided that was a good idea! 8-)
Not that we didn't get some lovely candid moments, but our re shoot went a little better to catch images for holiday cards!
Aren't they the cutest??? I just want to pinch cheeks and blow bubbles looking at these kiddo's. Guess it comes from the great genes!! Thanks again guys for the patience!
This little girl was nothing but smiles and this little guy was nothing but FAST! 8-) They were so cute and Mom and Dad were so easy to work with. Thank you guys SO much... it was a true pleasure. Enjoy your sneak peek and I'll be in touch!
These kids are just the perfect ages to photograph. They aren't too suspicious and can be bribed! Thanks for the great session guys and for driving from so far away to meet with me.
And a quick change for a different look for the boys!!
It was such a true pleasure to work with this family. This is totally one of my fav sessions of the season. We did a family set and then some focused on their beautiful daughter. They were just a stunning family inside and out. Thank you guys for working with me!
Don't think I can call this much of a sneak peek considering their gallery was due yesterday!! This is the time of year I realize my human limitations. I have a tendency to bit off more than I can chew. I truly believe I can do it all... then football and soccer gets rescheduled because of rain and the baby starts teething and the three year old has a melt down unless we let her wear her crown and tutu to the park. 8-)
I want to thank all of my clients in advance for their patience. I'm hoping this is my biggest glitch and I should be back on track!
Please enjoy this sneak Mom and Dad and I'll be ready with all of your images Wednesday and hand deliver! Want to welcome baby Mia! She was such a sweet heart and I love the way when her brother is in the picture, he wants to hold her hand. Such a great little guy they have there too!
I absolutely LOVE taking pictures! Besides that I stay really busy with my husband and our four kids. They are <1, 3, 5, and 8.. never a dull moment at our house!