I have come to a realization with current sessions that it really takes everyone involved for these images to be successful. Women seem to naturally be inclined want to capture moments to treasure and hold close. While I believe men want just as much to preserve memories, they sometimes are more apprehensive to the process. I want to thank the Dad's out there that make the effort to work with me to make these images special. It means a lot to me that they trust me and help me to create art for them and their families. I just want to thank everyone who invites me into their homes with such warmth and allows me to participate in their lives.
Sorry to get all "deep" on you! 8-) Here are a few sneak peeks from one such wonderful family. You might recognize them from a maternity post a while back. Welcome Baby!
Talking about trust and it taking a village... poor Mom and Dad put in quite a work out to help us get these shots. Mr. G was pretty suspicious of the big "tent" with the flashing light. Took a while to get his guard down, but with Mom and Dad's help we got some super cute shots.
Don't they look happy!! Thanks guys for inviting me into your home. I love the images we were able to get and you guys were awesome. Thanks for your patience too, I know your gallery is a couple of days late!
It's going to be a long post! Some of you may have thought I quit or was REALLY slow (thanks for the emails checking in), but the truth is I can hardly catch my breath. It's been so busy! So much so, that I have neglected my poor Blog. Well, I decided to do a catch-up post so this is going to be a long one.
FIRST: My triplets... well OK, they aren't MY triplets, but I feel attached to them just the same. This is the second time I had the honor of taking their picture and I hope to be able to share in their lives as they grow. Big brother is a real sweet heart too. ;-)
SECOND: An AWESOME maternity session. These guys were so cute and in love. They were smiling the whole time. Loved their images (aren't they adorable!) and here are a few of my faves. Thanks guys for being patient with me and letting me use my kool new backdrops!
THIRD: Sugar and Spice!! These two were running hot and cold on me! We ended up doing a studio and a location shoot. The baby was NOT in the mood on location and then when we had studio, big sis turned into a shy little flower. I think we got some great shots though and they really were dolls.
FOURTH: Beautiful new baby boy. This little guy was barely a week old and his cheeks were just so chunky I wanted to squeeze them! He was such a good little model and let me pose and move him around. Even caught a smile!
FIFTH: Baby K arrived!! I had the pleasure of taking the maternity images for this great little family. This session went well too. I'm having the best luck with my little newborn clients these days (knock on wood). I was so happy with these images. I think it helped that Mom and Dad were so calm. This is the first baby, but they were pros at this new baby stuff! I couldn't believe it. I was a MESS with my first... and second... and, well, you get the idea.
AND after all that, I still have two galleries in my que as well as two weddings to finish and a Gala to report on (Stop by True Rumors and PBJ Clothiers in McKinney when you get a chance... GREAT new stores). Don't give up on me, hopefully I can post more often!
I just wanted to post a few of my favs from a recent newborn session. She was a complete angel! Her parents were great too. Thanks guys for being so patient and having me come so soon. I know a new baby is hard to adjust to considering the lack of sleep you get. Welcome to the world BABY M!!
I absolutely LOVE taking pictures! Besides that I stay really busy with my husband and our four kids. They are <1, 3, 5, and 8.. never a dull moment at our house!